My experience with Laser Liposuction in Riyadh

My experience with Laser Liposuction in Riyadh

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Reveal the secret to flawless carved shape with advanced innovation in body contouring! Laser Liposuction is setting a new standard for accomplishing your desired physique. Undergo the latest equipment that targets stubborn fat cells with less resting time and luminous outcomes. Our expertise will guide you about My experience with laser liposuction in Riyadh. Say goodbye to your undesired shaping and welcome to a more confident and glamorous body. If you have any other queries you can discuss them with the doctors.

Quick Facts

  • Cost: Starts from 10K SAR to 15K SAR. 
  • Results: After 3 to 6 months. 
  • Back to work: Right after 5 to 7 days.
  • Duration of Treatment: It takes at least 1 to 3 hours to process. 
  • Type of Procedure: Secure and permanent. 

Laser Liposuction!

Laser liposuction is a non-operative type of body shaping. It eliminates the small fat deposits. This process permenantly reduces the fat cells from your body. It is painless therapy and the patient can heal quickly. The recovery will be less time-consuming and minimal complicated. It is a little different from traditional liposuction, which is considered a major surgical therapy that needs anesthesia. Therapy can shape the parts of the body such as the back, neck, thighs, upper arms, and others. There are further two forms that may cure your looks:

  • Less operative laser liposuction: It includes making a minimal cut in your skin to insert the laser applicator. 
  • Non-operative liposuction: This therapy does not include any cuts, as the laser applicator is applied on top of your skin surface. 

The swelling, bruising, and pain will be lesser after the therapy. For some patients, the skin may get more brighter and tighter after the process. This can be due to the laser therapy that can stimulate the production of collagen.

My Experience with Laser Liposuction in Riyadh

Laser liposuction can be famous as a cosmetic process for sculpting the body. Here is a general overview of my experience with this therapy:

  • First consultation: In my first meeting the doctor discusses the complete process and its benefits with other details. They also answered all the queries that I have been concerned about. I was assured by their expertise and skills. 
  • Preparational steps before therapy: They provide me with all the effective instructions that should be followed before the procedural steps. The doctor describes what should i do and what things should be avoided. These guidelines provide us with effective results.
  • The procedure: On the procedural day, the environment of the clinic was clean and hygienic. The general anesthesia will be injected to reduce the discomfort while having the procedure, which almost takes 2 hours or more. The team members who were performing the process were very attentive and made me feel comfy.
  • Aftercare process: After the procedure, I got minor swelling and bruising on my scalp. The doctor prescribed me the medications to reduce the pain and provide me comfort. The compressing clothes were uncomfortable in the beginning but this has increased the effectiveness of the results. 
  • Effective results: After all the steps, I have noticed the enhancement in some weeks. The ending results were visible after about 3 months. I am happy with sculpting the body areas and feel it was a very worthy investment. 

Our Facilities!

Our expertise at Enfield Royal Clinic will provide you with the most effective therapy to maintain your body curves as you desire. Our experienced team will step you through the latest methods that might enhance your body shape and looks. The team member will discuss all your previous concerns and can provide them with all the details of your payment method. Explain your insurance coverage plans as well. 

Shape Your Body as you Desire!

Our surgeon will guide you through the details of My experience with laser liposuction in Riyadh. Get An Appointment to contour your body and also improve your looks! If you have any further queries meet our doctors to get suitable therapy.


You must prevent caffeine, heavy fatty meals, hard drinks, and smoking after the process.

The doctor will deliver you some guidelines, and you should follow them for effective results.

Yes, it helps to tighten the mild or moderate sagging skin. 

It is considered the most secure treatment because it is a non-operative method to shape you again. 

Yes, it drains all the fat cells within 48 to 72 hours. 

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